Professor of Medicine
Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University
Augusta, GA
Satish Rao, MD, PhD, FACG, received his MD from Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad, India, his PhD from the University of Sheffield, UK., and the Fellowship of the Royal College of Physicians (FRCP) in London, U.K. in 1997. He spent 20 years at University of Iowa as Professor of Medicine and Director, Neurogastroenterology and Motility, and moved to Medical College of Georgia, Augusta University, as Professor of Medicine (Tenure), Director, Division of Gastroenterology/Hepatology and Founding Director, Digestive Health Center. Dr. Rao is one of a rare breed of academicians who has an international reputation as an innovative researcher, distinguished educator, Master Clinician and outstanding mentor. A recipient of numerous NIH grants, he currently has 2 RO1 and UO1 grans and 5 patents. He is the only physician who has received 4 meritorious honors from the AGA; the AGA Distinguished Clinician Award, AGA Masters Award for Outstanding Clinical Research, and the AGA Distinguished Educator Award and AGA Distinguished Mentor Award. He received PN Chuttani Oration award from the Indian GI Society, and ACG Distinguished Educator and Mentor awards among 75 other meritorious awards. Dr. Rao has edited eleven books. He has published over 550 articles with 30,000 citations and H index 98 and delivered 500 distinguished lectures in 40 countries worldwide. He has been selected as of the “Best Doctors in America” for over 25 years, successfully treated patients from 35 countries, and is Past President of the American Neurogastroenterology & Motility Society.
Learning Luncheon 06: Evaluation and Management of Benign Anorectal Disorders
Saturday, October 26, 2024
12:20 PM – 1:35 PM ET