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Welcome to the ACG 2024 Conference Platform!
All ACG 2024 registrants are strongly encouraged to create a Conference Platform account and explore the site prior to start of the meeting. While anyone can preview this site without logging in,
you must be logged in with your account in order to attend any livestream sessions, view presentation slides, watch recordings, create a personal plan, and connect with other attendees. Completing a Platform account profile only takes a few minutes - instructions are listed below.
Once you have logged in and completed your account profile, you’ll be able to favorite sessions that you would like to attend. Those sessions will appear in the “My Favorites” tile.
Access to login is only available to registered ACG 2024 participants. Visit
acgmeetings.gi.org to register.
Create an Account and Complete Your Profile
All ACG 2024 registrants will receive a receipt/confirmation e-mail from registration@gi.org that contains a link to this Conference Platform and a personal ACG order number. (If you do not receive this e-mail upon completion of your registration, please contact registration@gi.org.)
Click “Login” in the upper right, and use your e-mail address and your ACG order number from that email to login. The first time you log in you may be asked to sign a privacy notice.
- Step 1: Profile – Please complete the contact information fields; some fields are required.
- Step 2: Time Zone – Please pay close attention to the Time Zone settings in the “Name and Location” section. All livestreamed sessions will be broadcast in the Eastern Time of Philadelphia. You can choose to either “Display times in the event time zone (America/New York)” or “Display times in my time zone.”
- Step 3: Photo (optional) – If you upload a professional headshot photo, accepted files types are .jpg and .png. The minimum width is 400 pixels.
- Step 4: Networking – Please complete the profile questions to help you connect with other attendees and with exhibitors within the Platform. If you opt to share your profile with other attendees, you will have access to the message function on the attendee page of the Platform. (You will only be able to browse and connect with other attendees if you opt to share your profile.)
Once you have completed and saved your account profile, you can favorite sessions and add them to your personal schedule. You can also explore the list of attendees and connect with those who have also opted to connect with other attendees.
If you need to update your preferences at any time, login then click your name in the upper right and select Conference Profile.
Get Started with the Conference Platform
Once you have created an account, you can build a personal plan; just click on the star to add an event. From the home page, view the Full Schedule or view individual courses, or use the left-hand menu to browse by course, date, title, or presenter. As you scroll through the agendas, click a listing to view details about a session or presenter. The My Favorites tile on the home page will list everything you add to your personal plan.
Please note that adding a session to your plan does not mean that you are registered for that session or course. The confirmation e-mail you received from registration@gi.org after registering for ACG 2024 will list courses/events that you have registered for.
There is also a universal search bar at the top of each page for keyword searching across the entire site -- search for specific terms, speakers, titles or session descriptions.
Information about Watching the Livestream and On-Demand Recordings, Networking, Exhibits, Tech Tips, and Getting Help
Live-streamed sessions will be broadcast on the Conference Platform in the Eastern Time Zone (if you need to adjust your time zone setting, please see Creating an Account above). All registrants can use the platform to access presentation slides and on-demand recordings (based on course registration) until March 31, 2025; presentation slides will remain available on the mobile app after March 31, 2025.
Shortly before the meeting, the Event FAQs and Attandee Support button on the home page will have details on how to watch livestreamed sessions and on-demand recordings, plus tech tips for ensuring a smooth livestream experience and for troubleshooting common issues. Contact information for attendee support, registration, tech support, and virtual expo services can also be found there.
Sessions in Philadelphia will be recorded and will be added to the Platform on a rolling basis in the weeks after the meeting. Recorded sessions will be available to watch until March 31, 2025.
Connect with Other Attendees
The platform offers the ability to connect via message with other attendees.
ePoster Hall and Virtual Exhibit Hall
The Conference Platform is also home to the virtual exhibit hall and the ePoster Hall. Access the ePoster Hall from the main page of the Platform, and the ePoster Wall Gallery will be available beginning at 12:00 pm (Eastern time) on Sunday, October 27, 2024.